Overseas magnet forever Agency Invitation


magnet forever advantage

1. 13 years of experience in the production and sales of magnets and related products

2. It is the most growing magnetic material supplier in China.

3. Have professional product knowledge and development capabilities in the speaker and motor industry.

4. Has a complete product certification and quality control system.

5. Competitive prices in the market.

Join conditions

1. Recognize the value and prospect of magnet forever.

2. Have sufficient entrepreneurial and operational capabilities.

3. Be proactive and achieve common annual sales goals.

join policy

Technical support: We can provide professional magnet knowledge training.

Price support: We will provide cost-based price support to expand the market size faster.

Settlement period: According to the market size and order size, the account period support can be provided flexibly.

Rebate support: In order to commend the outstanding performance within one year, the headquarters and agencies have formulated corresponding rebate plans.

Join process

Application - Mutual Approval - Contract Signing - First Order - Sample - Product Knowledge Training 

- Marketing Assistance

contact and join us

Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you within one business day.